
Welcome to our new homepage

We are pleased to present you the new e.telligent website!

On the start page you will get an overview of the different areas we are presenting with the new website. From there you can find information about our services, products, the offers of our training programme e.cademy as well as current vacancies. The respective subpages provide further information, e.g. in the career section you can get an impression of what working life at e.telligent is like in addition to the job portal.

Regular news about our projects and the latest company developments can be found on our news portal. Journalists can find all important company information at a glance in the press area.

Thanks to the responsive web design, you can also explore the new e.telligent homepage conveniently via your smartphone.

We look forward to interacting with you, both here on the homepage and via our social media channels LinkedIn & Xing!